Marzocchi SHIVER forks are USD forks and they have protectors in the bottom to protect the stanchions. Easy to crash them, hard to get replacements!👀
But having a 3D model and some .stl data file you can easy reprint it using your material of choice and even in the colour you like!!🤣🙏✨🔧🤙
That’s a posting I did @ FB a few minutes ago :
– I don’t like the carbon laminating ones (just my personal opion),
– building moulds is fkn expensive for such single parts productions,
– 3D printing is an usefull and interesting alternative.
Lots of 3D printing materials are available, e.g. Onyx, which has better material properties than the original ones used in mass Pressure Die Casting.
And isn’t that easy : If you break it, you can simply print a new one. 

Another main advantage : You can print it in a colour you want!!

I’d prefer to print it verticaly, which avoids the typical low level ‘stairs’ from layer thickness and minimizes parts support construction and building time.
But you need a 3D printer which can be print 279,5mm height!
If you don’t have it, you need to print horizontal, which needs a lot of parts support construction = lots of material and time.
Probably it need a little water grinding in post processing and some new stickers. Stickers are fkn expensive (30-40€ a pair), which is not acceptable.
I’m thinking about selling the 3D Data File .STL for a little fee including a cheaper SHIVER sticker, that make’s it a usable product to sell!!?