Dr-Zocchi’s ‘Hall of Shame’

I have reactivated my ‘Hall of Shame’ to keep track on liars, criminals, thiefs, bad deals, scammers etc.
This might be helpfull for others to avoid bad deals, scammers etc.

I like what I do and I like all the communities about Marzocchi forks. Most of all contacts I have are very friendly, helpfull, fair and honestly. So do I.🤙
We all share the same passion/hobby/profession  being sellers / buyers / hoarders / mechanics / friends / etc.pp and we do this over all countries and languages.

But some SuperDuper Anti Humans are not able to behave in the right way and try to suck around. This ones get a place in my ‘Hall of Shame’ for free.
Welcome to the unwanted side of life.
Will be difficult for you to have friends, and you lost a good one here. 
If you try to fuck me I will fuck you twice!✨


FB Post 20240307 Seller says fork is mint 'honestly' in FB Chat


Marzocchi Shiver DC bought in UK in Feb 2024. Not that cheap. Seller said fork is in ‘mint’ condition. In fact 5 out of 6 crown screws are not usabel, 2 were torn off.

Seller does not communicate at all.

It’s a Paypal case now, I will post details later.


Update 20240312 : To be fair I have to add here that the seller talked to me today in FB chat.
Still no excuse nor any kind of understanding that some simply can’t sell something that broken without compensation.
I offered sending the fork back at sellers costs insured by DHL – he refused saying “… you’ve probably been messing around with them”.
2nd I offered the seller taking over the cost for a mechanic – he refused also.

So what??

Dr-Zocchi’s Ratings in the case :

Sold SHIVER DC Price *****
Sold SHIVER DC Condition of Crown Screws —  (zero)
Sold SHIVER DC condition over all **
Sellers mechanics Skills — (zero)  👀🤣🤣
Sellers Communications during Selling *****  [if it is about money we are fast …]
Seller Communication after Selling — (zero)  [Scammer Alarm!]
Fathers Communication after Selling in Paypal Communication **
Paypal ? (open)


More Case Pictures :





January 2025
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