Long story short : I got a silver Marzocchi XC600 in the 90’s, rode it heavy on many frames, loved it, serviced it myself many times, how easy!, kept it may years, seals were out at some time (wtf!?), missing seal!=technical problem to solve, o.k. – just did it, easy going, problem solved!, built all other seal sizes as well, easy, happy fork owner / happy me!
Happy riding!🤙
I’m a Marzocchi Maniac since my first bike having a Marzocci 96’er XC600 mounted in the 90’s. I don’t know why in detail, but it was pure fun for me to work on my bike and this suspension fork. I was afraid of spares and as a student I had not that much money so I started to buy replacement forks and some service boxes to be able to repair it DIY. And as I like to discuss such thematics I was in forums and Usenet discussions groups being out with seals, spares, manuals and help.
Step by step I went through all the different older Marzocchi’s on my bikes and my collection was growing and growing. It became my best hobby alongside a lot of other hobbies. I created my fist private Zocchi website with the time comming I became what I call an ‘Expert-Idiot’ for older Marzocchi’s only.
I also started a constantly growing public collection of Marzocchi Manuals with a lot of help & support from the Marzocchi Community as a non profit project, as FOX/Marzocchi dropped all support for Marzocchi forks <= 2018 (they want to maximize profit and sell only new forks). What a f####g shame! 😫🤐
I like what I do.
Just do it.
My background is an almost technical, my father was an architect and lernt me a lot in crafts, tools, doing all myself and being independent.
When I was old enough to decide for my future way I had to decide between repairing tanks and trucks in the army or going for studies. I went to studies in Mechanical Engineering, Production Techniques and Construction Engineering / construction methodology. You may ask : “How can you do this in one degree course??” Short answer: “You can’t.” I have studied for long and did a lot of courses from different studies, I just made it my own way.
Byside – and for me that more important 😏 – I worked as a machining operator for many manufacturing processes in scientific context including 3D printing with an SLA250 from 3D Systems – one of the first professinal 3D printing systems, High Speed Grinding Prototype on a FS126 from GÜHRING, different MAHO machines etc. pp. What a real fun that was!!
As you can’t do constructions & advanced metal processing without CAD, so lucky me I was in early 3D CAD modelling & constructions in systems like HP ME10 / 30, Tebis, CATIA, MEDUSA, AutoCAD, Strässle KONSYS, etc.
I did lessons for my study colleagues to share my knowledge in free lessons, wrote manuals and much more being 7 days busy. That was a glorious time, great playground for me and a very lucky time!!⚡🤙
At University we already used Internet, but than Word Wide Web (WWW) Service was comming in the beginning in the 90’s and strong growing. So byside my studies I was working in multimedia doing web programming and working as a Multimedia Consultant, Project Manager and byside needed to be the IT specialist in all company’s networks I worked in.
All this jobs are based for sure on Infrastruktur Technoligies (IT) and that’s what I did both as a professional and employee for years. I found a place in a company doing Software Development on Product Data Management (PDM) & Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), working as a Teamleader in the Professional Support Department, get experiences in very modern K8s Cloud DevOps Development and I’m still doing support now for Professionals in the PDM/PLM area.
I’m looking forward to other interesting tasks.
Thinks to do here :
- add some nice photos
- add links to important parts
- check for errors
- add some other cool references of my work