Well, here is the short one : I have set up a new Marzocchi Documentation PUBLIC Repository (MDPR) including about 1.400 files from 1990 -2018 hereย : @ https://dr-zocchi.projectweb.de/MANUALS/Marzocchi/ – Service Manuals, Catalogs, Marzocchi Ads, exploded Drawings (>1000), Oil Level Charts, Air Pressure Charts and more (still growing!).
Use it, spread it, support it, drop me a note if you want to mirror or receive a DVD-image!!
The story about
You probably know about one of the most used Marzocchi Repository for older Marzocchi manuals in the last 20 years @ http://my-sport.spb.ru ?!
This website still exists, but you probably don’t know, that most of the Marzcchi PDF files saved there can’t be downloaded anymore, because they are some kind of corruped.
I think the site had some disc faults or something similiar accident happend. Unfortunately no admin can be contacted and there seems to be no maintenance anymore. That is one of THE repositories in a row with http://manualer.happymtb.org/ (dead), http://birota.ru/manuals/ (dead) and Dan Jones also well known site ‘The Marzocchi Workshop‘ under http://marzocchiworkshop.blogspot.com/ (still running!) that made all us Marzocchi Maniacs realy happy, when we are in some Rebuilding or Servicing our older Marzocchi forks.
Luck me over the years I had downloaded most of the manuals from http://my-sport.spb.ru. and added them all to my almost complete set of manuals 1990 -1996 (all before the Bomber’s). Also Dan added some manuals to his website recently in 2021.
What only authorized Bike Dealers and Bike Shops know is, that FOX/Marzocchi dropped all technical support and documentation support on the net some weeks ago!
They simply dropped S-U-P-P-O-R-T <2018 without any reason and no comment – afaik. That’s fu##ing CRAZY!!
That’s also a fu##ing example of business and money making. After all this glorious BlahBlah in all the years about ‘Supporting Marzocchi Brand and Parts’ they simply want to cut down all older Marzocchi Support and prefer selling new forks.
In USA they sold MarzocchiMark a half of the USA Marzocchi Store and ask him to take over the support for older Marzocchi <2018 (read it in some of his Ebay auctions).
In Taiwan they tried to sell the huge Marzocchi storage and as far as I know no-one bought it, so they destroyed it all. Whatย a shame!
Even Cosmics Sport GmbH – a base point for Marzocchi Support in Europe for more than 20 years – dropped all Marzocchi support some years ago and sold there complete storage (to another german Serivce Point). Cosmics don’t have listed any Marzocchi product in their current parts catalog. Sig!
Drop me a note if you know it better in details, please! I will correct text than.
Happy Riding!