Spring Kits from the 90’s

Spring Kits from the 90’s

O.k., here we are: My collection of spring kits for the Marzocchi forks from the 90’s (XC500, XC600, XC700, XCR, DH3)! I sorted them out a while ago, some of them have been bought directly, most of them I got in forks I bought around the world. As you can see:...
Seals …

Seals …

During the last weeks I searched intensive for 24 and 26 mm seals, seal kits and other spare parts and found some. Not that cheap, but I bought most of it. 😉  


Sorry for the german / english mix – ‘denglish’ I’m on the way to switch all to english … but it will take a while …

Only english from now on …

O.k. I decided to pimp up my website. It was a stupid idea to make it multilingual. O.k. Polylang can handle it very well, but as automatic translations is not as it best working on 2 languages are to much work, espacialy the parts lists. So I will switch to english...
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