Marzocchi Bomber Seals 30mm Reservation Request!!

Status 20210615 : Reservations are done, project has been finished!
You can shop the Marzocchi 30mm Bomber Seal-Kits NOW in my Shop!! 


This page and it’s form is about your personal reservation for Bomber 30mm seals only. You can reservate reproduced 1:1 copies of the original Marzocchi master seals! No fake!

My intension is to make a reservation possible to get an overview and to serve your personal needs. All users, who reservate seals, will receive a discount!!

Go directly to Bomber 30mm Seal Reservation Form here

Relevant Marzocchi Seal and Seal-Kit Article Numbers

Relevant Marzocchi 30mm Forks (Marzocchi builded Forks using 30mm Seals from 1997 – 2006!)


If you want to read the story about my seals project please un-collapse this collapsed text by clicking the little arrow on the left side OR just proceed with the form and your reservation!

The story about

Status today (20200926) 30mm Bomber seals are almost sold out on earth (and on moon and mars they do not ride MTB!). As you know Marzocchi went bankrupt some years ago another time and was taken by Tenneco 2008, later by Fox in 2015. Fox did don’t care about older forks (XC series and older Bombers) and it’s spares – it’s a wellknown business thing that companies are interested in selling new goods only and expects the customer to throw their older ones away.

From time to time you can find a Bomber service kit at Eb## or elsewhere in forums or other well know marketplaces – most often M-Arch type – but in general all the service stations, online shops and well known Marzocchi’s Shops like keep the rest of their seals for their own customer service needs. I think I talked to most of them … but for sure they do services for such forks, as they are rocl solid!

Of course there are some alternatives on the market, but none of them does it’s job well. They lack on geometry, function or material. Clearly such seals are not designed and produced for Marzocchi Bombers but for anything else. They will work for a while and fail very early.
The Marzocchi seals are sceleton seals, means it has a metal sceleton inside to make the seal stiffer. Marzocchi designers did a great job when they designed the Z1, they learnt from the XC series and made the seals stiffer (you can see when trying to take the seals out of the castings). They also included a 2nd lip in the inside of the wiper seals which makes the seal more functional protecting against dirt and water!

This are the alternatives: 

  • Enduro – [oil- and dust seal] this are seal kits for different stanchion diameter with a very special wipe seal: it is just a simple silicon seal, I believe it is just a cheap joke! It is an alternative when you don’t have a chance to get other ones. It will be better to buy 2 sets 😉
  • SKF – [oil- and dust seal] did a lot of reproductions but for the newer fork types only starting with 35mm but NOT for 30 nor 32mm. As this is a worldwide well know manufacture they are producing very good seals, coloured them green and selling them for with a lot of marketing and big money. Obviously they didn’t expect a big market on 30 and 32mm seals.
    A SKF kit (2 dust & 2 oil seals) is about 80€.
  • Ariete ‘ARI’ – [oil seal only] Ariete claims to be best and makes a big thing about XNBR and production in Italy, but in real life the seals – oil seals only – are not this worth this big bubble. They are not as firm as the original and do not have the propper geometry, e.g. the wipe seal does not have a 2nd dust lip in the inside! They also do marketing with a ‘special oil seal lubricant’ – make your own statement here 😉 A pair of oil seals is about 20 – 50€, it heavy differs on the market.
    I found different dimension details from sellers for product ARI-020: 30mm x 40mm x 7/9mm  vs. 30mm x 40mm x 8/9mm (!!?).
  • Suntour – [oil- and dust seal] some claimed this 30mm seals as an alternative, but it isn’t. The wipe seal itself is good : stiff and well designed. But the outer diameter is only 38 instead of 40mm. What a shame!
    Seal is labeld: FAA 070-10 TCK 5990-42
    Wipe Seal: SR Suntour FAA070-10 for SF10, SF11, XCM-V2 / XCM-V3 / SF17NCX-D Gabeln)
  • Others – [oil seal only] there are others as well which you might get from your local hydraulic shop matching the geometry closly  and for sure they are oil and heat resistant as they are for industrial use, but for sure they are not made for your Marzocchi Bomber 😉
    So most comon this alternate seals do not hold the preassure, I heart this from a lot of bike shops, when they tried such alternates. The reason is Compare the 30mm Bomber oil seal: it is so strong, that after pressing it into the slider you can’t pull it out from the slider without destroying them!! Also here the reason is the strong metal sceleton inside!

Conclusion: Neither Ariete nor Enduro seals are created for Marzocchi Bombers. End of discussion.

Why I’m doing this?

My intention: I like to see Marzocchi forks running and as you might have read here in the blog I already did 2 reproduction cycles in the last 3 years about 24 and 26mm Marzocchi XC seals – and that went almost perfect!

Now, as I’m also riding Bombers Z1 myself – a Z1 BAM ’99 with 130mm travel and a classic Z1 ’97 with 100mm – and reading about all the requests for service and needed seals I decided to go for it and make some reproductions for 30mm seals.



So if you like to take part on this and you need 30 mm Bomber seals to do a service or a project of yours, please do a reservation! This reservation is not a binding purchase!
It is my try to collect some addresses to work on if the right time is coming. 

I will contact you if seals are available and ready to ship. You data is only used for this thing (seal request)!


Marzocchi Bomber Seals 30mm – Reservation Form

+++ This form is about reservation for Bomber Seals only! +++
If you want to contact me in another matter please use my contact form.

    Your name or nick (required)

    Your email address (required)

    Your smartphone number (required)

    [phonetext* phonetext-389 class:JVminlength-8 numberonly] Yes, I'm reachable via WhatsApp!

    Please note: I'll use your phone number ONLY for SMS or WhatsApp requests in exceptional cases to request your correct data if - for example - you have entered a wrong email address or your mailbox is full.

    Where are you from? (required)

    [countrytext* countrytext-494 placeholder "Country selector ..."]

    Your Marzocchi Bomber fork model (required)?

    [group group-fork-model-bomber]


    Your forks colour (required)?

    [group group-colour]


    Please upload a picture of your fork / your project

    (max. 5MB, up to 3 files - jpg|jpeg|jfif|png|gif|tif|tiff|pdf only)

    Which seal typ do you need (required)?

    classicM-ArchDon't know

    Number of seal kits you want to request (>0; required)?

    30mm Oil Seal Kit
    (1 seal kit = 1 pair oil seals + 1 pair dust seals)

    Are you interested in buying tools for low price which supports you to take the seals out and the new ones in (Slider Protector & Oil Seal Insertion Tool) (required)?


    Where did you hear about my Bomber seals project (required)?

    [group group-referenced]


    Your message?

    You will receive a confirmation mail for your request!
    Please check your SPAM-filter, if you didn't receive the confirmation mail after some minutes!

    Read about bad Experiences with alternative Bomber Seals here!!

    Over the years by searching the net for seals and parts I have spoken with many bike shops, dealers, mechanics and users. I can’t show you the statements out of private mails, but I will collect the wordings from the net here :

    About Enduro Seals

    Read it yourself on

    Quote :HELP NEEDED!

    “[…] the dust seals are actually so tight that the sanctions go down but have to phisically be forced to return. there isnt any air in the forks yet but even so, the seals surely shouldnt restrict the movement of the forks should they?

    does anyone have experience of/ an answer to this?

    experience… yeah.. enduro fork seals are awful for this!!! they are too tight in my opinion… and even 6 months of riding didnt bed them in anymore..

    mine acted like a friction damper and totally removed any small bump performance sensitivity.

    mine went in the bin and i bought some decent seals… [..]”


    Read it yourself on

    “… Ich kann aus Erfahrung nur beitragen, dass die Staubabstreifer der Enduro Fork Seals schlechter sind als Original. …”


    Relevant Marzocchi Bomber 30mm Forks

    I’m trying to list the Marzocchi Bomber forks using 30mm seals, but some data is missing.

    I’d like to have : Name, Travel, Year, Type (classic/M-Arch).

    Please support, if possible!

    • Z1 1997+ 100mm [classic] – 533 268 / 528 172
    • Z1 BAM 100mm 1998+ [classic]
    • Z1 BAM 130mm [classic]
    • Z2/Z3/Z4/Z5
    • Z1 MCR 130mm 2001 [classic]
    • Z1 Drop Off [classic]
    • Z2 1997+ [classic]
    • Z2 BAM+ [classic]
    • Z2 Atom 80 BJ 2000 [M-Arch] [classic]
    • Z2 Superfly [classic]
    • Z1 X-Fly 100
    • X-Fly 80 2001
    • Z2 Atom Sport Air
    • Z3 light 1999
    • Z3 1997+
    • Z3 M80 2000
    • Z4 [classic]
    • Z4 Flylight
    • Z5 [classic]
    • Z5 Flightlight Air 80mm 2000 [M-Arch]
    • Shiver SC 2002-2005
    • MX comp bombers Air + ETA 2003
    • MX Comp Air 2005
    • MX Comp ETA 2005
    • Mr T 1997
    • Junior-T 150mm 2001
    • Junior T to 2002 (30 mm)
    • Super T 1998
    • Z2 Atom Race 2000
    • Super T to 2002 (30 mm)
    • Jr T
    • Mr T 1999
    • Monster T 1999/2000
    • Dirt Jumper to 2002 (30mm)
    • Z1 (Drop Off, FR, Wedge) to 2002 (30 mm)
    • Marzocchi EXR M-Arch
    • MX Marathon M-Arch
    • Atom Sports 80mm 2001
    • Marathon S Air 80mm 2000/2002?
    • Marzocchi EXR Comp 120mm 2003/2004
    • MX Comp 105mm ETA 2006 M-Arch
    • MX Pro + ETA 120 2005
    • MX Pro + ETA 105 2005
    • MX Pro + ETA 85 2005
    • Monster Triple
    • Marathon Race 2005 80mm

    I do my best, but no guarantee!

    Relevant Marzocchi Bomber 30mm Seal-Kits

    I often receive questions about specific seal kit numbers, which I can’t answer. But I will try to collect the relevant seal kits for the Marzocchi Bomber seal kits here.

    In principal Marzocchi produced 2 versions of the 30mm seals (will add photos later) :

    • the classic seal set is know to be in 2 variants …
      (Dust Seal known as no. 533268)
      (Oil Seal known as no. ??)
    • the M-Arch seal set 
      (Dust Seal known has no number??)
      (Oil Seal known as no. ??)

    The M-Arch set has an outer dust seal with no outer edge and it is higher than the classic dust seal, because of the changed casting/brace form. 
    The oil seal from this both kits is exchangeable. In detail the oil seal in the M-Arch kit has a little changed, but for sure the dimensions are the same and the classic oil seal will do the trick in M-Arch also! Also the M-Arch dust seal will fit the classic dust seal also.

    I also have found out by comparing 30mm oil seals from my boxes, that they they have minor differences. I think over the years they did a lot of different productions and from time to time they did a little tuning changes (picture follows).

    533 268 Dust Seal classic (e.g. Z1)
    528 172 Oil Seal classic (e.g. Z1)

    533 297 Dust Seal 2005, e.g. Drop-Off Triple;
    528 230>A Oil Seal 2005, e.g. Drop-Off Triple;

    533 301 Dust Seal (M-Arch??), 2005, e.g. MZ Comp
    528 172NOK>B Oil seal, 2005, e.g. MZ Comp

    850 671 Oil and Dust Seal Kit (classic)
    850 690 Oil and Dust Seal Kit (M-Arch)


    850690 M-Arch Model Seal Kit

    533268 Dust Seals?

    Bomber 850 671 Z1

    Bomber seal kit 533268 dust seals Z1 Z2 BAM

    Marzocchi Dichtungsset Marzocchi Bam
    Bestell-Nr.: 4523
    Hersteller: Marzocchi
    – für Gabeln mit 30mm Standrohren
    – für Modell 2001/ 2002 und auch für alte Z1 ab Baujahr 1996
    – nicht für Marathon

    – 2 Abstreifer
    – 2 Dichtungen


    Marzocchi Dichtungskit für M-Arch Gabeln
    Bestell-Nr.: 5578
    Hersteller: Marzocchi
    – passen bei allen Marzocchi M-arch Gabeln mit 30mm (Bomber Z1/Z2 mit/ohne Bam)



    February 2025
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